Friday, November 4, 2011

The Music MATTador, returns..... Moods Photography

Hi everyone, I had a very excited email from our friend the MATTador a couple of days ago, letting me know about a new favourite band he wanted to share with you.........

The Music MATTador............

Well Heellloooooo!!! I hope all of you are well and the beginnings of the summer season are shining brightly on you all!!!  My apologies for the lack of new music in the past weeks,  an onslaught of amazing new releases in the first 2/3rd's of 2011 meant a slight burnout and need for some rest on the writing front.  I have managed to climb out of the shallow writers block hole and decided that rather than deliver something each week I will wait to be inspired before I deliver.

Inspiration has returned in a big ball of awesomeness called "The Rubens"!  This fantastically original group of three Brothers and a childhood friend formed only 9 months ago and have already began to create waves the size of a tsunami on the Australian music scene.  Hailing from the tiny town of Menangle NSW and to this stage only releasing five songs it feels to me like being at a magic show, you know something amazing is about to happen but your unsure of what. 

Over the last month or so I have been listening to a gutsy and raw bluesy group from the states - "The Black Keys".  One of those amazing bands that you can tend to forget about for a while and when you here them again you think to yourself man these guys are the bomb!  In saying all that I have swapped their CD in the last week for a continuous rotation of the first 3 songs from The Rubens!  

These guys bring almost a new genre of music to the table combining a backbone of blues (Tremolo) guitar with a soulful and pop style of lyric.  The recording studio is a family bedroom in a bush house which seems to add to the rawness, add to the mix plenty of reverb and some organ sounds and you have my new favourate band.  

The four piece are brining their show to Brisbane for the first time in December and I for one will defiantly be in attendance.  Their debut album will be recorded in New York by a "Big Name" producer in the music industry and will be released in 2012, not bad for a few blokes from country town in NSW.

Ladies and Gentlemen I give to you THE RUBENS........................ Please enjoy!

PS: a few weeks ago Loretta & I met Mr & Mrs MATTador at the "Junk Bar" (if you haven't yet discovered it, check it out) for a drink & some eats, where to why total surprise I was presented with some tickets to The Jezabels show which was on that night at the Tivoli... 

Was an awesome early birthday present, The MATTador & I had a fabulous boys night out....  if you haven't discovered the Jezabels yet, check our blog under the MUSIC tab for The MATTadors report on the Jezabels..... totally amazing live act.....

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