Tuesday, June 7, 2011

THe Music MATTador, weekly report, Moods Photography, Greg Dries

Wow.... I am loving this weeks featured artist.... thankyou MATTador...

Kim Churchill

I remember growing up not knowing exactly what I would become but wanted to make a difference doing it. I remember being 20 with fond memories albeit many of them hazy. Memories infused with feelings of fearlessness and intrigue, the whole world to explore and a whole life to do it. I was busy studying and getting my life sorted out, trying to figure out exactly what sort of impact I would make and how I could make it happen. Basically, like most of us there was no obvious plan, no one single 'talentl' that I possessed that I knew would define my life.

Imagine just for a second the opposite - At age 4 you are handed your first guitar, as a child you train classically for ten years and by age 16 you have already begun to master your art. Stir into the melting pot the difference between you and many other 16 year old musicians', the ability to write inventive and original peices of music, this my friends is the nucleus to something amazing. After school you pack up your gear and head around our vast country to play every available gig and busk on any corner that will see the passing of a pedestrian. Surfboard is packed for the ever elusive perfect wave, blond hair, blue eyes and all packaged into part time model good looks. Sounds pretty surreal yeah? Please say hello to Mr Kim Churchill -

Kim was born in Canberra, moved to NSW North Coast at a young age where surfing and music became his life. His exquisite ability to control the six strings of his guitar is beautifully unique, his classically refined art seems to entwine perfectly with his slightly experimental take on folk rock. He possesses an energy that I compare cautiously with Xavier Rudd, an energy that seems to fuel his desire to travel and play to the people consistanly with a full bag of emotion and passion each and every time..

Kim possesses a maturity much beyond his tender age, he delivers lyrics that guide the listener gently into thoughts of their past whilst cleverly prompting thoughts of the now. Kim is a storey teller, and like the best of those that have gone before him, there is more than one string to his bow. The infusion of harmonica, kick drum and piano combine in a way that seems effortless, overall a pure joy to listen too.....................

Please enjoy............................................................. The Music MATTador

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