I spent some time with a great friend last week who told me they had created a playlist of 'significat songs' that sparked memories of special times or events in his life. Once again this got me thinking................
There are many many choices here for me but in keeping with last weeks decision to post something a little fired up my choices were shortlisted.
It was the middle of Summer, year 2000. It had been typical 32+ degree day and I was at a the Big Day Out, I think I had lost the equivalent of about 10l of fluids and needed something to give me the energy to go on. Water fountains were sparse and beer wasn't really helping the situation...... The sun had just started to set and despite all the pain associated with heat exhaustion the bands I had seen were freaking amazing. Old school greats like Regurgitator, Resin Dogs, Spiderbait and Grinspoon and headliners like Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and The Chemical Brothers still to come, I was in heaven.
This week's post is more about the specific time, song and lyrics as opposed to the normal run down of history and unknown trivia.
Enter Powderfinger! A band that needs no introduction and the band that I have seen live more than any other, put simply these guys hold a very sentimental place in the heart of the MATTador.
So now for the moment.... Close you eyes, place yourself within about 10 meters of the stage, and imagine being in a boiling hot bowl of sweaty people all gasping at any hint of a breeze that passes by the main stage while you sing along to every word that Bernard rips out. Cue the most freakin unbelievable coincidence in my musical memory! With the lyrics "cascading down" exiting Sir Bernard's lips and entering my eardrums, the sky's opened in typical Queensland fashion and the thunderstom hit. With the song 'DAF' my memory had been created.
Sigh................... What a wonderful day that was, I would love to hear some of your song provoked memories................................
Please enjoy.............................................................................The Music MATTador.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQKichwGakI (no video of that day exists so this is from the year before at the livid festival in Brisbane).
Cant resist a bit of trivia - DAF is the name of the song because they could not come up with anything else... DAF is the Chord progression in the song.
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