Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Music MATTador... Enjoy

The MATTador was at a course this week & had limited internet access... thankyou to those of you that look forward to these posts & let us know, like you I get excited about what Matt is going to share... hope you enjoy this week, very interesting choice.... look forward to hearing your thoughts.... Cheers Greg

Well here's a 50 / 50 for you all. I love it!!! you may hate it, have a listen make up your own mind. The best thing about music is that is yours, yours to judge, yours to completely do with what you want, nobody can tell you that your views and opinions are wrong, because their yours. My goal here as the MATTador is not to tell you what music is good, but rather offer something new, wave the red flag as such, to offer something different than your everyday run of the mill pop artists.

Thats where James Blake comes in, a perfect example of an artist you will never hear on commercial radio, however, one that is so wonderfully talented. His music is a masterpiece of simplicity matched perfectly with a sublime intensity, Jeff Buckley like, in the way a voice can dominate a performance.

James Blake is a British electronic composer from London, his self-titled debut album was released in the UK on 7 February 2011 and is one of the most unique sounds I have heard.

According to many who have had the opportunity to experience James live it is a struggle to describe the unique qualities they experience, quite honestly I struggle to compair James to many other artists.

The recording speaks for it'self please enjoy..................... The Music MATTador

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