Sunday, August 12, 2012

Greg Dries September Workshop Announced.... Saturday 9th September... Redcliffe

Greg will be holding his next workshop on Saturday 9th September, 12.30 till 5pm at our studio Redcliffe Qld, this is a seminar not to be missed if you are wanting to improve your photography & learn directly from Gregs vast knowledge.  Numbers strictly limited, cost only $189 per person... call us on to book & secure your place 07 32834144 ...  The day will be split between in studio learning & then shooting images outdoors....  You will leave this day with a greater understanding of camera functions & importantly a much greater understanding of what to do to improve your images ....Dramatically !!!!!  A digital slr is required ( sorry no compacts at this day)

We have been asked to do a workshop in the Yamba / Maclean region, & have currently penciled Saturday 3rd November... if you live in this area or close by please join us & we would certainly appreciate you sharing this post with your friends....

NB: The August 25th workshop is fully booked, it actually booked out within a couple of days....  for this those who missed out hopefully you can make the september workshop, if this doesn't suit please let us know

cheers Loretta, Greg & team....

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